A performative audio walk
by Yolanda Gutiérrez / Kajan Luc / Jascha Kretschmann
by Yolanda Gutiérrez / Kajan Luc / Jascha Kretschmann
Photos: Felix Amsel and Munimum_art
How do microorganisms move around? And how do people move through the world? The performative tour MICROSPACE takes the audience into the invisible world of microorganisms and traces their movement patterns. In an artistic comparison of microbes and migration - of microorganisms that migrate unhindered through their environment and the global movement of humans - MICROSPACE performatively and scenically focuses on migration as a natural process of all living beings. Together with pupils from the Gymnasium Hummelsbüttel and the Stadtteilschule Winterhude, the artists and the four dancers from Mexico, Rwanda and India are developing an audio walk with various stations.
shown at NORDWIND-Festival & Kampnagel, December 2024
Concept: Yolanda Gutiérrez, Kajan Luc, Jascha Kretschmann
Choreography: Yolanda Gutiérrez
Dramaturgy: Kajan Luc
Scenography: Jascha Kretschmann
Dancers: Akshatha Ramesh, Babou Tight-King, Virendra Nishad, Wendy Yeh
Performance together with over 100 students from the Gymnasium Hummelsbüttel and the Stadtteilschule Winterhude
Texts: Nora Cheik, Lorin Kayatas and other pupils from Gymnasium Hummelsbüttel, Kajan Luc
Equipment: SHAPE THE FUTURE (silent disco berlin)
Audio artist: Igor Sherba Production (muni_mum)
Management: Gabriela Vasileva
Artistic assistance / organization: Kirsten Bremehr
Narrator: Judith Mauch
School team: Judith Mauch and Pablo Vázquez Mayo
Supported by:
Fonds Soziokultur,
Mara und Holger Cassens Stiftung,
Berit und Rainer Baumgarten Stiftungsfonds,
Hamburgische Kulturstiftung,
Stadtteilkultur Hamburg-Nord